Trouble is that sometimes even prophets quit holding their breath. Take John again, rotting away in Herod’s dungeon before the gluttonous king lopped off his head for a party favor during his fifty-fifth birthday bash. John, the one who leapt in his mother’s womb when the fetal Jesus was near him, now has his doubts. “Are you the one, or is there another?” John asks from his prison cell. What’s a doubting prophet to do? Why, listen to the Great Prophet, of course. “The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and good news is preached to the poor. Believe,” came Jesus’ reply. “God has kept His promise.”
What do we do in our doubt? In dark moments we ask, “What if Jesus isn’t the One?” And God in His mercy sends a whole parade of prophets who scream and flail and sometimes whisper, “Jesus is the one.” And in His mercy God the Father sent the One who seemed maddest of all—Jesus, the Great Prophet, who says to us again and again, “Believe. God has kept His promise.” Now, if we only had ears to hear.